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Fostering Wellbeing
Through Expertise

From Personal Experience to Wellbeing Advocacy

At Wellbeing First Aid, our team embarked on their journeys into mental health inspired by personal experiences that ignited our profound passion for fostering wellbeing. Each member of our team has been touched by their own mental health journey, which drives our commitment to understanding the core principles that underpin our training.

Meet Kate and the rest of the team

What We Do Best

We empower individuals and organisations in fostering wellbeing and supportive workplace cultures. We believe in a proactive approach, offering expert guidance and tailored solutions to create open work environments. Our approach is grounded in methodologies that prioritise practicality and inclusivity. Deloitte's independent analysis has shown that every £1 spent on supporting mental health yields an impressive £5 return. We're here to make that investment a reality and unlock the benefits of fostering a mentally healthy workplace culture for everyone.

Explore the services we offer


Our Mission and Approach

Our commitment to fostering positive wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. We specialise in Mental Health First Aid training, equipping both individuals and organisations with the skills and knowledge to support mental health. We understand the importance of creating a mentally healthy workplace, where individuals feel comfortable discussing their struggles and accessing support. Our training programmes are designed to break down stigma, increase mental health literacy, and tailor solutions to diverse needs.

Explore the services we offer

Why Choose Wellbeing First Aid?

We're dedicated to fostering mental wellbeing and creating supportive communities.


What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact.


Our experienced team breaks down stigma, increases mental health literacy, and tailors programmes to diverse needs.

Supportive Cultures

We help organisations create open, supportive cultures where individuals feel comfortable discussing their struggles.

Real Impact

By investing in mental health training, you're taking a proactive step towards building and sustaining a mentally healthy workplace.

Tailored Approach

Our programmes are tailored to your unique needs, whether you're in marketing, HR, education, or healthcare.

“This course has massive benefits to the people taking it, in their personal, but also work life and is transforming the place of work at Sky.”

Priya, Senior Project Manager

Sky UK, 2023

Unlock the Benefits of Mental Health Investment

Mental health is not just an expense; it's an investment. Deloitte's independent analysis has revealed that every £1 spent on supporting employees' mental health yields an impressive £5 return. Here's how investing in mental wellbeing benefits your organisation:

Improved employee retention rates.

Increased productivity and creativity.

Money saved on recruitment and training.

Reduced presenteeism.

Improved business performance.

Let's Talk Wellbeing

Ready to start your journey to improved wellbeing? We're here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and support your goals.

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